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Noise from commercial shipping and its adverse impact on marine life

“The document download below, is the report of the Correspondence Group on the issue of “Noise from commercial shipping and its adverse impact on marine life”, which was added to the Committee’s agenda by MEPC 58 as a high priority item. The Correspondence Group is to identify and address ways to minimize the incidental introduction […]

Keeping whales safe in sound

“A unique collaboration between the oil and gas industry, scientists and conservationists proves a way to minimize seismic survey impacts on rare whales and other species. A step-by-step guide to reducing impacts on whales and other marine species during seismic sea floor surveys has been developed by experts with IUCN’s Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel (WGWAP)and Sakhalin […]

Vanishing Point Marine


Vanishing Point Marine (VPMarine) specialises in offering a range of acoustic monitoring equipment and expertise for scientific and commercial users. The company was established as a collective of researchers, who saw the benefit and value of passive acoustic techniques as a means to monitor and protect marine wildlife and habitats. Working closely with industry, VPMarine […]

Marine Accoustic Monitoring